The official language of the Conference is English. All abstracts and full papers should be submitted in English. The lectures will be delivered by invited speakers selected by the International Scientific Committee from among the lecture offers received.
The participation fee is 49000 Ft (≈ 150 €), which will cover the costs of the abstracts, preliminaries, conference reception, lunches and the Proceedings. The Proceedings will be published in English after the Conference and mailed to all participants. Accommodation should be organised by the participants individually.
If you wish to contribute to the Conference with a lecture, you are kindly requested to send a one-page abstract of the topic to be lectured, clearly indicating also the title, the name of author(s), mailing address, Phone, Fax and E-mail numbers. Abstracts must be received by 15 May, 2018. If you wish only to listen to the lectures, it is enough to send your enrolment by 31 August, 2018. The preliminary program of the conference and further information will be sent in the second circular.